Thursday, November 11, 2010

Portrait Collection

So in the past year I have tried to learn more about photography. I have excelled in sports photography, as I'm actively immersed in the world of Elite and High school basketball. I have also been trying to learn more about the techniques of photography and am currently studying a course. I have discovered that I love taking candid style B&W portraits, as well as the "posed", yet impromptu! I am slowly building up my collection of equipment and studio lighting and chroma key equipment and software is next on my list.

I was an an avid paper crafter for many years..but the photography bug "bit" me and it's been a wild journey since! It is a major part of my life and I am working towards having my own business. I am grateful to my family for tolerating the constant request to be my photo subjects which is difficult when its it's five males in your household! I am also very grateful for the community I live in, filled with wonderful kids with whom I photograph on a regular basis from High School events to personal events. It is in part because of you that I have become the photographer I am today. I look forward to continuing to follow you, camera in hand, as you progress through high school and beyond if I am so lucky! Thank You..truly!

Portraits Family and Friends pt. 3

More portrait shots...

Portraits Family and Friends pt. 2

Here are more portraits shots I've done...


Portraits Family and Friends

A collection of photos throughout the year. I am always the eager photography student in quest of learning all I can about photography, as well as on the quest for the "perfect" photo.